Fyii! throw all the past at behind and let's start our life with
Now, i would like to share my own view on both life & love.
- nothing much to change since i still pursuing my studies accompanying by amazing classmates though there's a 5 years gap between us. Perhaps it takes time to build up our friendship and trust.
- i can felt the joyful that created by them at some classes, they're trying to put their effort on making stressful life to relax environment.
- till now, i still remembered how lame the joke was, their laugh and sincerity xD
- when the exam is around the corner, some of them will start preparing themselves and of course certain people choose the way of burning midnight oil.
- what i am trying to highlight here is no matter what kind of result they got, they insist their dream and give a hope in the following papers. This is the spirit that i must learn from them---NEVER GIVE UP!
- am still awaiting my real prince to join in my future. i have a clear picture of which kind of guy i seeking for, at the same time those personality can be accepted by myself.
- my ideal characteristic as below:
(´∀`)♡ 成熟,稳重
(´∀`)♡ 信任(´∀`)♡ 成熟,稳重
(´∀`)♡ 安全感
(´∀`)♡ 有斗志
(`ε´) 霸道
(`ε´) 占有欲强
(`ε´) 妒忌心强
(`ε´) 猜疑心重
(`ε´) 自以为是
(`ε´) 过于大男人主义
(`ε´) 过于大男人主义
坦白说,我想要的爱情其实很平凡:互相了解,关心和包容。找个能包容我的缺点,多注重优点;而不是一直挖苦我。在我面临困境时能及于鼓励我,陪伴我熬过这一切 =)
或许很少人做得到,但并不是没有这类型的人,不是吗?只要深爱着对方,无论前方的路多么坎坷,只要双方互相扶持这些问题算得了什么?我不是淑女,不会刻意去装扮。不打扮并不是不愿意,看场合吧!=D 外出时只想舒服的装扮,好让双方都不觉得压力。只要遇到对的人,我愿意陪他做他想做的,也希望对方支持我任何决定和梦想!